
Wednesday 7 November 2012

GRAMMAR: The verb to be

Found via: English-Hilfen.

EXERCISE: The forms of be (am, are, is)

EXERCISE 1: Choose the correct form of be (am, are, is).

1) I ______   a girl.

2) My father _______  at work.

3) Trixi and Susi _______  my cats.

4) The hamster ________  in the cage.

5) I _______  a painter.

6) My green pencil _______  on the floor.

7) Emma and Betty ________  good friends.

8) _________  you from Scotland?

9) His sister _________  seven years old.

10) We ________  children.


1) I am a girl.
2) My father is at work.
3) Trixi and Susi are my cats.
4) The hamster is in the cage.
5) I am a painter.
6) My green pencil is on the floor.
7) Emma and Betty are good friends.
8) Are you from Scotland?
9) His sister is seven years old.
10) We are children.

EXERCISE 2: Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps. Do not use short/contracted forms.

1) My mother ______ in the kitchen.

2) The pupils _______ not at school today.

3) Maria's grandmother _______  from Brazil.

4) I ______ a football fan.

5) It ______ Sunday today.

6) They  in the car.

7) His pencil case  at home.

8) _______ you from Valencia?

9) I ______  not your friend.

10) Hey John! We______ here.


1) My mother is in the kitchen.
2) The pupils are not at school today.
3) Maria's grandmother is from Brazil.
4) I am a football fan.
5) It is Sunday today.
6) They are in the car.
7) His pencil case is at home.
8) Are you from Sheffield?
9) I am not your friend.
10) Hey John! We are here.

EXERCISE 3: Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text. Do not use short/contracted forms.

Peter Baker _______  from Manchester, but Paul and John ______  from London. Manchester and London  cities _______ in England. Hamburg ______ a city in Germany. Sandra ________ at school today. Jack and Peter _______ her friends. They ______  in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker ______ on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She _____  a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather ______ in hospital. I ________ at home with my grandmother." What time ______ it? It ________ 8 o'clock.  ______ you tired? No, I _____ not.


Peter Baker is from Manchester, but Paul and John are from London. Manchester and London are cities in England. Hamburg is a city in Germany. Sandra is at school today. Jack and Peter are her friends. They are in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker are on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She is a nice girl. Peter says:"My grandfather is in hospital. I am at home with my grandmother." What time is it? It is 8 o'clock. Are you tired? No, I am not.

Found via: English-Hilfen.

EXERCISE: Simple past - was not or were not

Put in was not or were not into the gaps.

1) They ______   ill.

2) You ________  tired.

3) The children ________  quiet.

4) Max ___________  in Helsinki last week.

5) She __________  home for dinner.

6) The water ________  cold.

7) There _________  a good film on TV yesterday.

8) We _______  in Brazil last winter.

9) Betty and Florence _________  at school this morning.

10) I __________  happy when I heard about the accident.


1) They were not ill.
2) You were not tired.
3) The children were not quiet.
4) Max was not in Helsinki last week.
5) She was not home for dinner.
6) The water was not cold.
7) There was not a good film on TV yesterday.
8) We were not in Brazil last winter.
9) Betty and Florence were not at school this morning.
10) I was not happy when I heard about the accident.

Found via: English-Hilfen.

EXERCISE: Simple Past -was or were

 Put in was or were into the gaps.

1) I ______  in Canberra last spring.

2) We _______  at school last Saturday.

3) Tina _______  at home yesterday.

4) He _______  happy.

5) Robert and Stan _______ Garry's friends.

6) You ________  very busy on Friday.

7) They _______  in front of the supermarket.

8) I _______  in the museum.

9) She _______  in South Africa last month.

10) Jessica and Kimberly ________  late for school.


1) I was in Canberra last spring.
2) We were at school last Saturday.
3) Tina was at home yesterday.
4) He was happy.
5) Robert and Stan were Garry's friends.
6) You were very busy on Friday.
7) They were in front of the supermarket.
8) I was in the museum.
9) She was in South Africa last month.
10) Jessica and Kimberly were late for school.

Found via: English-Hilfen.

GRAMMAR: English tenses - The verb 'to be'