
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Exercise: A, AN, SOME, ANY

We use A or AN with singular nouns. 

A is used when a noun starts with a consonant sound;
a dog, a book, etc.

AN is used when a noun starts with a vowel sound;

an apple, an hour, etc.
We use SOME with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.

SOME is used in:
* positive sentences;
I have got some time.

* questions, expressing requests and offers;
Would you like some tea?
Can I have some biscuits?
We use ANY with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.

ANY is used in:
* negative sentences;
I haven‘t got any time.
* general questions;
Have you got any sisters?
ExerciseIs there any tea left?

Choose the correct:

1. “Is there ... tea in this kitchen?”
any      some
a         an
9. “Are there any girls in your class?” “No, there aren´t … “
an       some
any     a
17. The Browns haven’t got … children.
any       some
a          an
25. I haven’t got … books to read.
some       an
a            any
2.  Sorry, there isn’t … more tea.
some      any
a             an
10. Are there … lamps in the house?
some        a
any           an
18. Have the Collins got … children?
 an        some
a           any
26. Is there … book on the table?
a              an
some      any
3. Has Mr. Evans got … coffee?
some      any
an           a
11. This is … interesting newspaper.
a          an
any      some
19. “Is there any coffee in the kitchen?” “Yes, there is.....”
some      any
a             an
27.  There are … cups of tea on the table.
 some      any
a             an
4.  Have the Evans got … flat?
any      some
an        a
12.  “Have you got any glasses?” “No, I haven’t got …”
some       a
any          an
20. Have you got … chair for me?
any        an

some         a
28.  Is there … beer in the glasses?
a              an
some      any
5.  There aren’t … flats to rent.
an         some
any          a
13. There isn’t … water in the glass.
some         a
an          any
21. “Is there any coffee in the cup?” “Yes, there is …”
a             an
some        any
29.  There isn’t … beer in the bottle.
a           some
an           any
6.  Are there … boys in this class?
an           any
some       a
14. In the park there are … very nice trees.
some       any
an              a
22. I’m  reading … interesting book.
an           any
some       a
30. Mrs Green is having … coffee with milk.
some        any
a                an
7.  We haven’t got … cinemas here.
any       some
an          a
15. Mr. Smith is having … bread.
any      some
a            an
23. There are … children in the street.
any       some
an         a
31. Is there … wine in the glass?
 some         a
any          an
8. There are … girls in this class.
any      some
an           a
16. “Is there any beer in the glass” “No, there isn’t…”
some       any
a               an
24.  Has Peter got … interesting books?
 some       any
 an              a
32.  Have they got … books?
any      some
an         a


1:any, 2:any, 3:any, 4:a, 5:any, 6:any, 7:any, 8:some, 9:any, 10:any, 11:an, 12:any, 13:any, 14:some, 15:some, 16:any, 17:any, 18:any, 19:some, 20:a, 21:some, 22:an, 23:some, 24:any, 25:any, 26:a, 27:some, 28:any, 29:any, 30:some, 31:any, 32:any

Found via: Englishexercises.

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