
Monday 28 January 2013


We use the Present Perfect to:

- talk about experiences:
"I've been to London twice."
- Actions that started in the past and continue in the present:
"I have worked as a teacher for ten years"
- Past actions that have a result in the present:
"She has lost her keys"

We use ALREADY to talk about an action that has been completed before we expected
It is normally used in affirmative sentences:
"We have already had lunch"
But it can also be used in interrogative sentences such as:
"Has the class already begun?"
Position within the sentence: before the participle.
We use YET to talk about an action that hasn't been completed, but we expect it to happen.     It is used in negative and interrogative sentences:
"Have they arrived yet?"
"She hasn't eaten anything yet"
Position within the sentence: at the end of the sentence.
We use JUST to talk about actions that happened RECENTLY.
"Dan and Kelly have just had a baby girl" (it means the baby was born a few days ago)
Position: before the participle.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

There is /There are

Affirmative form
There is a +  singular countable noun

There is some + uncountable noun
There is a fish in the bowl.
There is some water in the bowl.
There are some +  plural noun
There are some vegetables in the basket.
Negative form
There isn't a/an +  singular countable noun

There isn't any + uncountable noun
 There isn't an apple on the plate.
There isn't any food on the plate.
There aren't any +  plural noun
 There aren't any fruits in the bowl.
 Interrogative form
Is there a +  singular countable noun

Is there any + uncountable noun
 Is there a fish in the bowl?
Is there any water in the bowl?
Are there  +  plural noun
 Are there any apples on the tree?


Correct the errors. Write the correct sentence below each sentence:

1. There isn't some water in the glass.

2. There are a 3 children talking with the teacher.

3. Are there some cars in the car park?

4. Is there any windows in this classroom?

5. There aren't some pencils in the pencilcase.

6. There is some people in the backyard.

7. There are any stickers in the album?

8. There is any parsley? 


1: There isn't any water in the glass.
2: There are 3 children talking with the teacher.
3: Are there any cars in the car park? 
4: Are there any windows in this classroom?
5: There aren't any pencils in the pencilcase.
6: There are some people in the backyard.
7: Are there any stickers in the album?
8: Is there any parsley?

Found via: Englishexercises.

Exercise: A, AN, SOME, ANY

We use A or AN with singular nouns. 

A is used when a noun starts with a consonant sound;
a dog, a book, etc.

AN is used when a noun starts with a vowel sound;

an apple, an hour, etc.
We use SOME with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.

SOME is used in:
* positive sentences;
I have got some time.

* questions, expressing requests and offers;
Would you like some tea?
Can I have some biscuits?
We use ANY with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.

ANY is used in:
* negative sentences;
I haven‘t got any time.
* general questions;
Have you got any sisters?
ExerciseIs there any tea left?

Choose the correct:

1. “Is there ... tea in this kitchen?”
any      some
a         an
9. “Are there any girls in your class?” “No, there aren´t … “
an       some
any     a
17. The Browns haven’t got … children.
any       some
a          an
25. I haven’t got … books to read.
some       an
a            any
2.  Sorry, there isn’t … more tea.
some      any
a             an
10. Are there … lamps in the house?
some        a
any           an
18. Have the Collins got … children?
 an        some
a           any
26. Is there … book on the table?
a              an
some      any
3. Has Mr. Evans got … coffee?
some      any
an           a
11. This is … interesting newspaper.
a          an
any      some
19. “Is there any coffee in the kitchen?” “Yes, there is.....”
some      any
a             an
27.  There are … cups of tea on the table.
 some      any
a             an
4.  Have the Evans got … flat?
any      some
an        a
12.  “Have you got any glasses?” “No, I haven’t got …”
some       a
any          an
20. Have you got … chair for me?
any        an

some         a
28.  Is there … beer in the glasses?
a              an
some      any
5.  There aren’t … flats to rent.
an         some
any          a
13. There isn’t … water in the glass.
some         a
an          any
21. “Is there any coffee in the cup?” “Yes, there is …”
a             an
some        any
29.  There isn’t … beer in the bottle.
a           some
an           any
6.  Are there … boys in this class?
an           any
some       a
14. In the park there are … very nice trees.
some       any
an              a
22. I’m  reading … interesting book.
an           any
some       a
30. Mrs Green is having … coffee with milk.
some        any
a                an
7.  We haven’t got … cinemas here.
any       some
an          a
15. Mr. Smith is having … bread.
any      some
a            an
23. There are … children in the street.
any       some
an         a
31. Is there … wine in the glass?
 some         a
any          an
8. There are … girls in this class.
any      some
an           a
16. “Is there any beer in the glass” “No, there isn’t…”
some       any
a               an
24.  Has Peter got … interesting books?
 some       any
 an              a
32.  Have they got … books?
any      some
an         a


1:any, 2:any, 3:any, 4:a, 5:any, 6:any, 7:any, 8:some, 9:any, 10:any, 11:an, 12:any, 13:any, 14:some, 15:some, 16:any, 17:any, 18:any, 19:some, 20:a, 21:some, 22:an, 23:some, 24:any, 25:any, 26:a, 27:some, 28:any, 29:any, 30:some, 31:any, 32:any

Found via: Englishexercises.